When creating your publication, there are a number of settings that are applied by default. These settings may be customized in Publicator:
1) Log into Publicator and click "All Publications" on left side navigation bar.
2) Click the green "Create Publication" button near the top.
3) Click "Settings" in the lower-left corner of the popup.
4) Click each section and set up default settings as desired; see below for more details. Click "Save" in the lower-right corner when finished.
This is the section that will be open when the "Settings" button is first clicked.
- Select Viewer: Choose which of the viewers will be applied to publications.
- Place in folder: Choose what folder the publication will be filed into.
After Creation
- Activate publication: Publications will be activated as soon as they have finished converting.
Note: This will use up a license on your account!
- Create PDF links: The autolinker will be run, adding any links currently present in the PDF (as added via InDesign, Adobe Reader, etc) to the publication.
- Create web links: The autolinker is run using a regular expression to detect any URLs in the text of the PDF and add appropriate link boxes.
- Create email links: The autolinker is run using a regular expression to detect any email addresses in the text of the PDF and add appropriate mailto: link boxes.
- Add to archive: Publications will be added to specified publication archive when they have finished converting.
- Send notifications: When conversion is finished, an email notification will be sent to the specified email address containing a link that may be used to view the publication.
- Default password: In cases where you must use a password-secured PDF file, use this setting to give the password to the Publicator as well. Otherwise, it will not be able to extract pages for use with features such as "download selected pages from PDF".
- Image quality*: This slider determines the display quality of the publication. This can have some effect on loading times. (See next section below for more information.)
- Use vector zoom: Uses a different approach for scaling publication content up or down in size when not zoomed to 100%.
- Use experimental HTML5 vector support: The HTML5 Verge Viewer can be delivered using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Using SVG has proven to deliver a significant increase in quality but such is only valid in certain scenarios and browsers. When to use and apply the feature can be found here: https://publicatorcommunity.zmags.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002516706
- Use fail-safe transparency*: Uses an alternate conversion process that will fail to complete more frequently, but will have fewer graphical errors when it does. This should not be used except in certain specific circumstances. The recommendation here would be to flatten the PDF before upload rather than using fail-safe: https://publicatorcommunity.zmags.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002516446
* These settings may not be changed after upload process has completed.
More Information on Image Quality
Producing the highest quality publication can sometimes come at the cost of performance. The image quality setting allows you to increase or decrease the display resolution of the viewer.
What is the optimum Quality setting to use?
In the case of graphically rich publications such as Art magazines, where detailed zooming is very important, we suggest using a quality of around 93% to 95%. For all other normal publications, something closer to the default 90% would be preferable, as it offers the perfect balance of quality and load speed in your publication.
Higher than 95% is generally not recommended, as at that point the visual quality does not become noticeably better, but required load times do continue to increase.
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