There are a couple of reasons why you need to change the downloadable file:
- Autolinks placements are referenced from the Downloadable file
- Page changes must be reflected in the downloadable version
- You can upload a smaller PDF file for the end user
- You can upload a password protected version.
PDF has been uploaded as Spreads
PDF files will automatically be split during conversion but the page numbers in the downloadable PDF file will not match the page numbers in the publication. Generally, there will be more pages in the publication than in the downloadable PDF file, and trying to download individual pages will either result in the "wrong" pages being downloaded, or in a 404 error being generated.
To work around this, the PDF needs to be split manually and then changing the downloadable PDF (Edit Publication > Pages tab).
Autolinks placements are referenced from the Downloadable file
If you utilize the autolinking process on your publications and you make any page changes within the Publicator system you will need to update your downloadable PDF file if you wish to run autolinks again. The reason for this is that if you delete a page within your publication we cannot apply this deletion to the downloadable PDF file so the placements of the links will always be 1 page off.
Page changes must be reflected in the downloadable version
If you make any pages changes to the online publication within Publicator we cannot delete a page within your downloadable PDF version as this isĀ currently a restriction in the system. You will therefore need to change your downloadable PDF file to make sure that both the online version and the offline version are in sync.
You can upload a smaller PDF file for the end user
If you have uploaded a large print quality PDF publication to your account then this will be transferred directly to the downloadable version which could mean that your readers will have to download a very large file which would not be a good user experience. By replacing the Downloadable PDF file for a smaller and more optimized version you provide your readers with a much quicker download experience and thereby a better reading experience.
You can upload a password protected version
If you wish to have more protection over your publication you can replace your downloadable version with a PDF file which has some of the native Adobe security applied which could mean that although your customer has the ability to download the PDF they might not be able to print it.
Steps to change your downloadable PDF file
If you wish to change the downloadable PDF file please follow the steps below:
1) Go to My Publications
2) Go to Edit on your chosen publication
3) Click the Pages tab
4) Click on the green Change Downloadable PDF button
5) Click browse and choose your completed and updated PDF file (with all page changes applied)
6) Click Save to update the Downloadable PDF file.
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