In the Zoom statistics tab you can survey, what your readers find most exciting in your Publication. The zoom statistics is divided into four categories:
- View shows you the total number of views on each page of the Zmag.
- Zoom Clicks shows you the numbers of times, your reader have zoomed in on a page.
- Average Zoom Time shows you the frequency of time spend on each zoom.
- Zoom Percentage is the amount of time your reader have spend zooming in on a page in average.
- This icon opens the Heatmap statistics. (See below.)
What are the Detailed / Heatmap statistics?
The Detailed Zoom / heatmap illustrates detailed statistics about specific reader's behaviour. Every time a reader zooms in on a page or clicks an external link, the coordinates are logged. The coordinates are shown with red dots for the zoom clicks, green dots for the external links and blue dots for wish list clicks.
Additionally, below each page the following numerical statistics are shown:
Arrow clicks - number of times the keyboard arrows were used.
Keyboard zoom - number of times zoomed using + / - keys.
Steps to access heatmap statistics
The heatmap statistics area can be accessed by following the steps below:
- Click the Statistics bar on the left hand menu
- Click the statistics link
- Choose your Publication from the publication menu
- Click the Zoom tab
- Scroll down to the pages table
- Click the icon in the right hand column of your chosen page:
Clicks on custom links (those using {curly brackets} in the URL) are not tracked at this time.
Note: Unfortunately it is not possible to print heatmaps directly from your browser at this time. If you would like to print a heatmap, it will be neccesary to instead take a screenshot first and then print that. A screenshot may be taken by pressing PrintScreen on Windows (and then pasting to MS Paint) or ⌘-Shift-4 on Mac OS (and then selecting an area to be saved to the desktop).
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