When publishing your Zmags publication, an important part of the presentation to consider is the 'Viewer'. This comprises the buttons, background, color schemes, and functionality of the publication beyond just its pages and content. There are some situations where you may wish to define more than one viewer and switch between them depending on where your publication is opened (desktop, mobile, Facebook*, etc). This can be accomplished via the "Preferred Viewer" functionality in the publication settings.
To enable Preferred Viewers on your publication, do the following:
1) Log into the Zmags Publicator and click "All Publications" on the left.
2) Find your publication in the list and click on its name.
3) Click on the "Preferred Viewers" tab at the top.
4) Click "Add a Context".
5) Type a name, choose a device and channel. (For more information on the 'Custom' channel, see the article linked at the end of this tutorial.)
6) Choose a viewer to be loaded in this context.
7) Click 'Save'.
So in the image above for example, if your publication is viewed via a tablet device such an an iPad, it will be displayed using the "Smokey black with white icons" viewer. In all other situations, it will be displayed using the "Modern Gray" viewer.
Use Cases:
- Different aesthetics when embedded: You may wish your publication to have a different background, button positioning, or control bar colors when embedding your website than it has when simply viewing it via the direct Zmags link.
- Light box sizes: When using our built-in light box solution, it is possible to use "percentage-based sizing", so that your light boxes will adjust in size according to the screen they are presented on. You may wish to have finer control than this, however, and using a different viewer for various mobile devices will allow you to do this. (Light box settings are selected on a per-viewer basis.)
- Distributing to clients: If you have multiple resellers who will be presenting your catalog or magazine on their own websites, you may use preferred viewers to create a custom channel for their sites, so that you can define a separate viewer for each of them to help with branding.
- Altering button behavior by device: Imagine for example, that your publication is displayed in fullscreen only on mobile devices, and as part of a larger webpage on your site for desktop viewers. You may wish to define one viewer with a home button that simply turns to page 1 for desktop, but a second viewer whose home button actually returns to your website for mobile. This is useful because mobile devices viewing in fullscreen cannot simply click the website behind the publication as your desktop readers can.
Related Articles:
- Preferred Viewers and the Custom Channel
* It is not possible to assign a Preferred Viewer for Facebook on Mobile Phones as Facebook Apps are not available on the those devices.
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