Create a schedule
Additional Functions
Edit Schedule
Facebook App Publishing
With Schedules in the Zmags Publicator you can preset when to display publications on your website. You only need to add the schedule URL to your website once, because the URL is controlled by all the publications in the schedule. When there is no active publication for the schedule, it optionally may be set to link to a website instead.
Create a schedule:
Click the Create Schedule button to assign a name to your new schedule, after which you will be returned to the Schedules page. To add a Publication to your new Schedule, click the View icon in the Schedules table, then click the Add Publication button. Once a Publication has been added to a Schedule, you can then assign a Start and End date.
Additional Functions:
In addition to creating a schedule, the following functions are available via the corresponding column (icon) in the Schedules table:
- View (Displays a list of the Publications for a given Schedule)
- Edit (Edit the name of a Schedule)
- Remove (Delete a Schedule from the list)
- URL (Displays the URL for a given schedule , along with the option to view the link in a new tab)
To create a new Schedule, enter the name and click “Create”. Afterward, you will be returned to the top level Schedules screen where you can click "View" to add details to the Schedule (choose publication, enter start and end date, define link type and enter URL).
Here you’ll find a list of the Publications contained in the chosen schedule.
If the list is empty, click “Add Publication” to add a Publication to the Schedule.
Once you have added at least one publication to your schedule, you can then:
- Add more Publications to the Schedule
- Edit the schedule details for a Publication
- Remove a Publication from the Schedule
Edit Schedule:
Here you can edit the name of the Schedule.
Facebook App Publishing:
If you have configured a Facebook App, you can publish this schedule to the Facebook App by clicking Publish to a Facebook App. The current content of the Facebook App you choose will be replaced with this schedule. You can see a preview of how this schedule will look in a Facebook App by
clicking Preview in Facebook mock-up.
If you haven't created a Facebook App yet, click on the link to start the configuration. You will be able to select this schedule during the setup of the App.
Here you can see the URL link for the chosen Schedule. Text field allows user to copy the URL (in order to paste elsewhere).
Additionally, the user can click “View” to open the URL in a new tab.
Here, you can define the following for the chosen Schedule:
- Start and end date
- Link “type” (Publication or HTTP URL)
- Publication
To schedule a publication for the selected date range, choose Type: Publication, then specify the publication via the Publication dropdown.
To redirect the user for the selected date range, choose Type: HTTP URL, then enter the URL to redirect to.
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