Once you have completed your publication, there are several different different ways to go about sharing and releasing it. The 'Publish' tab in the Publicator is a good place to start.
1) Log into the Publicator and click "All Publications" at left.
2) Click on your publication in the list, and then the "Publish" tab at the top.
Activate and redirect:
The first item visible in this section is a button that will allow you to activate your publication if you have not done so already.
Next, you see the "Standard link", which may be distributed to provide direct access to your activated publication on the Zmags website. You may view the preview version rather than the activated publication by adding ?viewType=pubPreview to the end of the URL.
The last item in this section is a checkbox which allows you to redirect visitors of this publication to another publication in your account. This is helpful if the current publication is outdated, but its URL has already been distributed.
Note: that this redirect only effects viewers using the "standard link", and not those coming in through an embedded viewer page.
Embed code:
If you would like to customize the publication URL, it will be necessary to use the Zmags Embedded Viewer API. Since the URL represents where your page is on the internet, the way to go about changing it is by changing where your page is located on the internet. The Embedded Viewer API allows you to do this.
The code found in this section may be copied and pasted into an existing HTML template (such as an otherwise blank page which has your website header and footer) to load the publication on that page. This HTML can then be hosted on your website to allow readers to view the publication without leaving your own branded page and URL.
For full documentation on the Zmags Embedded Viewer API, see here:
Embedding Your Publication
To "deeplink" to specific page in your publication:
follow this tutorial for a standard link, or this tutorial for an embedded viewer API link.
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