In order to ensure a smooth reading experience when displaying your content-rich HTML5 publications, please be sure to adhere to the following tips and recommendations:
1. When using HTML5 IFrame Widgets, try to use no more than five per page. This is especially crucial if large external animations, videos, or images are being loaded by your widgets.
2. For cross-platform compatibility and scalability, avoid the use of pixels for measurements. Use percentage throughout. Please see our widget tutorial's section on Sizing IFrame Content for more information.
3. Do not attempt to load images directly into an IFrame widget. Instead, use an image loader to ensure proper scaling and positioning.
4. Always use the Zmags composition-ready JavaScript API when using Adobe Edge Animate.
5. All contents of the Edge animate folder excluding the animate file need to be uploaded to the web server where the files are to be hosted.
6. When possible, keep images used in widgets below 300 kb in size.
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