What is the external statistics component?
Enable External Statistics
Setting up Google Analytics
Tracking details
Additional Notes
What is the external statistics component?
The external statistics module allows for the integration of tracking of your Zmags publications with an existing Google Analytics account. Essentially, data can be aggregated from multiple sources, including your online publications, into one analytics system.
Enable External Statistics
To add External Statistics to your publication, you must first activate the feature; this is done using a custom viewer.
1) Log into the Zmags Publicator and click "All Publications" on the left side.
2a) If you have not done so already, create a new viewer by clicking "Create Viewer" at the top. You'll need to choose an existing viewer to start from, and then click "Next" at the bottom. Give the new viewer a different name.
2b) If you have a custom viewer selected on your publication already, simply click on its name (off to the right of your publication's name in the list) to access the Viewer settings.
3a) In Standard Viewer Click the "Other" tab at the top of the page.
3b) In Verge Viewer Scroll to bottom of settings
4) Check the "Enable External Statistics" option, and proceed with one of the two "setting up" sections below.
5) When finished, click "Save" at the bottom.
If this is a viewer you created just now, do the following to apply it to your publication(s):
1) Click "All Publications" at left. Click on one of your publications in the list.
2) Using the "Viewer" drop-down menu, select the viewer you've created.
3) Click "Save" at the bottom.
Setting up Google Analytics
1) For "Tracker", select "Google Analytics" from the drop-down menu.
2) On the Google Analytics website, click the Admin tab in the top-right.
3) Find the correct Account and Property, select Profile, click Profile Settings.
4) Copy your "Web Property ID" from the "Profile Settings" screen to your Zmags settings.
- Page view
- Event
- Category
- Action
- Label
- Value
Tracking details
Event properties:
- Category: Page/{publicationID}/{pagespread}
- Action: View
- Label: Unit=seconds
- publicationID: The ID of the publication, e.g. 85b9d8fd.
- pageSpread: The page spread of the pages we navigate away from, e.g. 5-6.
- Value: Number of seconds spent on the page spread.
- Category: Publication/{publicationID}
- publicationID: The ID of the publication, e.g. 85b9d8fd.
- Action: Open
- Label: \[Standard\|...\]
- Value: Not used.
- UserAgent={useragent} Referrer={referrer} Resolution={resolution} Version={version}
- useragent: The browser User-Agent string.
- referrer: The value of the Referer HTTP header. (Google parameter: utmr)
- resolution: The screen resolution as width x height. Example: 800x600. (Google parameter: utmsr)
- version: The version of the publication
- Category: Publication/{publicationID}
- publicationID: The ID of the publication, e.g. 85b9d8fd.
- Action: Close
- Label: Not used.
- Value: Number of seconds the publication was open.
- Category: Page/{publicationID}/{pageNumber}
- publicationID: The ID of the publication, e.g. 85b9d8fd.
- pageNumber: The page number we zoom out on, e.g. 5.
- Action: Zoom
- Label: ZoomInPage={pageNumber} PageX={pageX} PageY={pageY} Unit=seconds
- pageNumber: The page number of the page we originally zoomed in on.
- pageX: The X coordinate in the page where we originally zoomed in.
- pageY: The Y coordinate in the page where we originally zoomed in.
- Value: Number of seconds the page was zoomed.
- Category: Page/{publicationID}/{pageNumber}
- Action: Click
- Label: URL={external link URL} PageX={pageX} PageY={pageY}
- external link URL: The URL the external link points to.
- pageX: The X coordinate where the mouse clicked to activate the external link enrichment, or -1 if not applicable.
- pageY: The Y coordinate where the mouse clicked to activate the external link enrichment, or -1 if not applicable.
- Value: Not used
Event properties:
- Category: ShoppingList or ShoppingList/{publicationID}Action: Activate
- publicationID: The publication ID that contains the shopping list. Not present if the shopping list is shared between multiple publications.
- Label: publicationID={current publication ID} PageX={coordinate} PageY={coordinate}
- current publication ID: The publication ID of the current publication.
- pageX: The X coordinate where the mouse clicked to activate the product link enrichment, or -1 if not applicable.
- pageY: The Y coordinate where the mouse clicked to activate the product link enrichment, or -1 if not applicable.
- Value: Not used
Event properties:
- Category: Viewer/{publicationID}
- Action: Open
- Label: ViewType={viewType}
- Value: Not used
- Category: Viewer/{publicationID}
- Action: Search
- Label: Phrase={phrase} Archive={archiveID} Publication={publicationID of current publication}
- Value: Not used
Event properties:
- Category: ShoppingList or ShoppingList/{publicationID}
- publicationID: The publication ID that contains the shopping list. Not present if the shopping list is shared between multiple publications.
- Action: Send
- Label: Type={type:sms/mail} Enrichments={enrichmentIDs:comma-separated} Products={productIDs:comma-separated} Publication={publicationID of current publication}
- Value: Not used
Event properties:
- Category: Publication/{publicationID}
- Action: Print
- Label: Pages={pages}
- Value: Not used
- Category: Publication/{publicationID}
- Action: DownloadPDF
- Label: Pages={pages}
- Value: Not used
Event properties:
- Category: Publication/{publicationID}
- Action: TellFriend
- Label: PageNumber={pagenumber} SenderEmail={senderemail} ReceiverEmail={receiveremail} SenderName={sendername} ReceiverName={receivername}
- Value: Not used
Additional Notes
It will take approximately 24 hours for the external statistics to synchronize with your Google Analytics
Zmags sends the data in a pre-defined format that cannot be changed. Your Google Analytics or account will need to be configured to match this data format (see "What statistics are captured?" above).
Data is only captured while external statistics is enabled. The statistics cannot be backdated, even if your Zmags publication has been live for some time.
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